Are You a Lawyer? No? Then Shut Up.
The law can be strange and counterintuitive, and people can hold remarkably – sometimes catastrophically – wrong ideas about it. Here are some: Myth: Mailing
ideas2happy at Tedxtampabay
I presented ideas2happy at TedxTampaBay a couple of weeks ago. My thesis is that obsessive focus on shareholder wealth maximization leads to evil, but that
A nation adrift
Ever paused to reflect on the odd nature of jurisdiction? The rules that govern your behavior change as you move to different sections of the
Top Ten Legal Issues for Startups
The (rather spartan) slides from my recent talk, TOp Ten Legal Issues for Startups, are here: Video coming soon.
What is Facebook?
I’ve gotten a little play lately for saying, “Linkedin is your resume; Twitter is your personality.” (Borges, Marketing 2.0: Bridging the Gap between Seller and
A New Theory of Business: From Idea to Happy
For 15 years or so I have been pursuing an agenda dubbed “ideas2money,” a slightly tongue-in-cheek abstraction of the premise that all business is about
Three Reasons Why It’s the Dawn of the Entrepreneurial Age
Three Reasons Why It’s the Dawn of the Entrepreneurial Age. Opening Keynote, TechVenture2009 Conference, 16 Nov 2009, Tampa Some moments matter more than others. Humanity
Why Get Patents?
Why should I bother with patents? Don’t they take forever to be awarded? Doesn’t copyright last longer? (And aren’t patents evil?) The conservative (as in
Why register a trademark?
Why should I spend all this money on registering a trademark? Isn’t my domain name enough? Short answer: because it’s cool to own stuff. Long